The boys – Archie and Bandito

Archie A Splash of Red    Our boy Archie is 25″ and 55lbs.  He is all clear on genetic health tests, with OFA hips rating as excellent.  Archie has an amazing, kind, gentle personality.  He is like a life-sized TeddyBear who loves everyone and they love him back. He would chase balls all day if he could!   We are excited to soon have him in dock-diving.


Renowned Dancing With A Bandito    Bandito is the newest and youngest member of our poodle gang.  He is sweet, goofy, loveable and very happy-go-lucky.  As big as he is, he is so gentle around our little puppies.  He loves being their big brother.  He is clear in his genetic health panels. We are excited to see what rainbows of color he and Saffie will produce.  He is a seal tuxedo.